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Five ways to do laundry without hurting your hands

Five ways to do laundry without hurting your hands

Since human beings have clothes, they have been accompanied by laundry work, and most of these tasks are done by women. Therefore, the diligence and wisdom of traditional women are worthy of respect and learning from future generations. Of course, some women now do not have to work so hard. After completing these tasks, the washing machine, laundry and husband have become their helpers! However, most of the laundry work is done by the hostess at home, so housewives should pay attention to how not to hurt their hands when washing clothes!

  1. Do not use washing powder for hand washing

After the skin is in direct contact with alkaline washing powder for a long time, the weak acid environment on the skin surface will be destroyed, and its effect of inhibiting the growth of bacteria will also disappear, which will easily lead to skin itching, and even cause symptoms such as allergic dermatitis or leave pigment on the skin. calm. So when washing by hand, it is best to use soap.

  1. Fragrance laundry detergent is not good

In addition to considering “whether it is clean”, the second consideration for most people who buy cleaning products is “whether the fragrance smells good”. However, the vast majority of fragrances are synthetic and 95% of their chemical composition comes from petroleum, such as benzene and aldehydes, which are carcinogenic and cause reproductive disorders, but more commonly, atopic dermatitis.

  1. Washing powder can be used for multiple purposes

In life, many people regard washing powder as a “universal cleaning agent”. In addition to washing clothes, they also use it to scrub furniture and floors, thinking that it has the functions of decontamination, disinfection and sterilization. As everyone knows, doing so may cause the washing powder to enter the human body. Experts remind that even if the amount of washing powder entering the body is very small, it will cause poisoning. Do you dare to use more than one powder?

  1. Washing powder and disinfectant are close partners

Many housewives are accustomed to adding some disinfectant to sterilize their clothes when washing clothes. Some people simply put the washing powder and disinfectant into the washing machine at the same time. In fact, this not only does not have a bactericidal effect but is also harmful to human health.

Disinfectants are chlorine-containing phenolic disinfectants, which can also be dangerous if used in excess or incorrectly. And washing powder contains more surfactants. If washing powder and disinfectant are used together, chemical reactions will easily occur, which will weaken their respective effects. In addition, if the chlorine-containing disinfectant is mixed with acid-containing laundry detergent, chlorine gas will be generated. When the chlorine concentration is too high, it will irritate people’s eyes, nose, throat and other organs, and in severe cases, it will damage people’s heart and lung tissue, and even endanger life.

  1. Hot water washes clothes more cleanly

The purpose of washing clothes at home is often to pre-wash the clothes. The purpose is to fully soak the clothes with water. After the water penetrates into the fabric fibers, the water-soluble dirt can be dissolved, thereby reducing the amount of detergent and enhancing the washing efficiency.

The water temperature for washing clothes is not as high as possible. Because we often use various enzyme-containing laundry powders, the main enzyme preparations are alkaline protease and alkaline lipase. Alkaline protease is used to decompose protein stains, such as sweat stains, blood stains, etc.; alkaline lipase mainly acts on fatty acid and its ester stains, which is what we usually refer to as oil stains. The activity of the two enzymes is related to temperature, and about 40°C is the most suitable. Too high or too low temperature will reduce the activity of the enzyme.