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What to do if your hands are cold when washing clothes in winter?

What to do if your hands are cold when washing clothes in winter

The twelfth lunar month is frozen, and the weather is freezing cold. Clothes should be washed and changed frequently, if they are dirty, they should be washed. What should I do if my hands are cold? Some garments cannot be machine washed, such as silk, inlaid, woolen garments, etc. Therefore, some clothes must be washed by hand, but what should I do if my hands are cold when washing clothes in winter? We can adjust the temperature by heating the water quantitatively. We can choose rubber gloves to isolate the water. We should also apply hand cream immediately after washing so that the laundry will not hurt the hands.

What should I do if my hands are cold when washing clothes in winter?

  1. Put a pot of hot water

In winter, before washing clothes, you can prepare a pot of hot water and put it aside. When you start washing clothes, put some hot water on your hands, which can form a short-term protective film on the surface of the skin. At this time, washing clothes can reduce the damage of cold water to your hands, which is simple and convenient.

  1. Wear a pair of gloves

The gloves mentioned here are not the cotton gloves we usually wear, but leather gloves specially used for waterproofing and freezing. This kind of gloves is also very common in daily life, and many mothers have several pairs of such waterproof rubber gloves. The structure of the gloves is also different from the normal gloves. They generally have fluff inside. Wearing such gloves to wash clothes will not feel cold even if the water is cold, because there is a layer of rubber and fluff in the middle. The weather is so cold if you don’t have a special laundry glove at home, then go and buy one, it will definitely be worth the money.

  1. Wash clothes in warm water

Many friends are accustomed to washing clothes in cold water, but the temperature in winter is very low. If you continue to use cold water, not only your hands will not be able to stand it, but your clothes will freeze. Clothes that can be dried in one day cannot be dried in three days. It will affect what you need to deal with. And if you switch to warm water to wash your clothes, then these problems will all disappear. Not only the hands will not feel cold, but also be conducive to the dissolution of washing powder and detergent. However, it should be noted that the temperature of the water should not be too high, because many clothes will contain various fibers such as wool, cotton, linen, etc. If the temperature is too high, the clothes will be damaged, resulting in shrinkage and other undesirable situations.

  1. Have a balanced diet

There are many tiny nerves distributed on the surface of human skin, and these nerves are used to sense various changes in the outside world. Including temperature changes, humidity changes, etc. This perception becomes more pronounced when a person is in a cold environment. If you need to wash clothes frequently in winter, you should pay more attention to a balanced diet on weekdays, pay attention to arranging your own three meals a day reasonably, and eat more green food, melons, fruits, eggs, milk, etc. These foods can provide richness to the human body. Nutrient elements, so as to avoid dry skin and increase the skin’s cold and frost resistance.

  1. Do more finger exercises

Everyone must have done various radio gymnastics in the school when they were students. When winter comes, the school will ask the students to run and exercise. These movements are to move the joints of the human body and avoid the damage to the joints caused by the cold. In the same way, when washing clothes, you will soak your hands in cold water for a long time, which will inevitably cause some damage to the joints of your fingers. Doing more finger exercises can increase the flexibility of hand joints, promote blood circulation, and improve the defense function against cold.

  1. Soak the clothes first

Many people put their clothes away when they are dirty, and pile them up in an unorganized manner. This is also a very bad habit. Generally speaking, it is very simple to soak the clothes in water first, and then wash them after a period of time. Because after the clothes are soaked, some water-soluble stains can be dissolved, thereby reducing the amount of detergent and increasing the efficiency of washing clothes. Originally it takes half an hour to wash it off, but it only takes twenty minutes to wash it after soaking. Isn’t this cleverly reducing the time for hands to be in contact with cold water?

  1. Good personal hygiene

What does laundry have to do with personal hygiene? The relationship between this is huge. If a person pays more attention to cleanliness, he will be more meticulous in what he does. Then the stains on the clothes will naturally be very few. Others put on clean clothes and they will be dirty in two days, but people with better personal hygiene may not see obvious stains for five days. In this way, the frequency and amount of laundry are naturally reduced, which is of course good protection for hands.

How to wash clothes in winter without hurting your hands

  1. Regular hand cream

Choosing the right-hand cream for winter hand care is a very effective method. Apply it in time after each hand washing to add moisture and nutrients. In addition, the choice of hand cream is also particular. If the skin on the back of the hand has a tight feeling and a few fine lines, you should choose some milder hand creams containing glycerin and minerals; those with sensitive and dry skin should choose soothing ingredients such as mint and chamomile, and moisturizing agents such as glycerin. hand cream. After doing housework with a cleanser-soaked rag, wash your hands with lemonade or vinegar water to remove the alkaline substances left in the cleanser on the skin surface, and then apply hand cream.

  1. Wear gloves

Choose several pairs of special gloves for your hands. When lifting heavy things or handling rough items, you must wear thick and wear-resistant labor gloves; when contacting irritating liquids, such as detergent, washing powder, liquid, etc., Rubber gloves are required; soft warm gloves should be worn when going out in cold weather.

  1. Do finger exercises

When watching TV or riding a car, you might as well do some simple finger exercises, such as imitating the movements of playing the piano and letting the fingers move one by one repeatedly, which can exercise the joints of the hand and strengthen the shape of the hand. Massage your hands regularly to promote blood circulation and prevent puffiness. When massaging, it is best to apply massage cream or olive oil. The method is: to grab both sides of the fingers of the other hand with the thumb and index finger of one hand and gently pull from the base of the finger to the tip of the finger. Do each finger two or three times, alternating with the left and right hands.

  1. Adjust your daily diet

Daily intake of foods rich in vitamins A, E, zinc, and selenium, such as green vegetables, fruits, eggs, milk, seafood, almonds, carrots, etc., should be taken to avoid dry skin. In addition, attention should also be paid to the intake of nutrients such as calcium and copper, because once the body is deficient in calcium and copper, it will cause the nails to be dull, fragile, and easily broken, which will affect the fitness of the hands. Foods with high calcium content are: milk, soy products, seafood, green fruits and vegetables; foods rich in copper are: animal liver, shellfish, hard fruits, soy products and dark fruits and vegetables.

  1. Regularly trim your nails

Well-trimmed nails can prevent dirt from accumulating between the fingers and spoil the beauty of your hands. In addition, doing fewer artificial nails is also a measure to protect our hands. One is that it is easy to be infected with bacteria and viruses; the other is that the nail art material will thin the nails and weaken the strength. From the perspective of hand protection and healthy hands, it is better to do fewer artificial nails.